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Input Needed For Updates to Irondale’s Official Website

The City of Irondale is currently working on several new updates to the official City of Irondale website.  According to Irondale City Clerk, James Stewart, ” Our goal is to further enhance the overall online experience when someone visits the city’s website. We want our citizens, visitors and businesses to have the ability to accomplish as much online, as they would if they visited City Hall.”

In order to accomplish this goal the city is working with their web development team on enhancements that will make the city’s website easily navigable, more content rich and promote better transparency.  Some planned enhancements include: embedded videos of official city meetings, new information about city boards/agencies, interactive district maps and updated city department webpages.

The City of Irondale would like to hear from the greater Irondale community.  Please fill out a short survey and share your ideas regarding what you like, dislike or would like to see on the City of Irondale’s website.

Click on the link below and complete the short survey no later than May 23, 2016 to LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD:

Irondale Website Survey