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Next Irondale On The Move Community Forum Focuses On Parks, Green Spaces, Blueways & Recreation

In April 2016, the Irondale City Council unanimously approved the adoption of the city’s first comprehensive plan named, Irondale On The Move.  This historic plan provides a blueprint of key initiatives the City of Irondale and Irondale community stakeholders should implement to ensure sustained future community/economic growth over the next 15 to 20 years.

The Irondale On The Move – Community Action Team will host quarterly Community Forums to foster interactive discussions with Irondale community stakeholders on key elements of the comprehensive plan.

ThCahaba River Landing

The next community forum will  focus on Irondale’s Parks, Green Spaces, Blueways and Outdoor Recreation in Irondale. This family friendly event will take place at Irondale Middle School on March 22, 2017 from 6-8PM.

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