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Recap of Irondale On The Move! – District 3 Community Workshop

June 16, 2015 – Last week, the Irondale On the Move project management team held their latest interactive community workshop for community stakeholders (citizens, businesses, organizations and those with an interest) in District 3.   A nice crowd came out to learn more about the new comprehensive plan and to share their ideas, issues and concerns about the future of Irondale.


Those in attendance were given an opportunity to provide candid input on a broad range of topics including; the quality of city services, neighborhood revitalization, parks/recreation, business development and their future vision of Irondale.  Attendees also had an opportunity to interact directly with District 3- City Councilor, Craig Sanderson.  Irondale Mayor, Tommy Joe Alexander was also in attendance.

“It’s refreshing to see so many citizens of Irondale not only interested in the future of our city, but willing to get involved,” commented Tellis Shoemaker, Executive Director of the Greater Irondale Chamber of Commerce.   According to the Irondale On The Move Project Team, community involvement and a focus on implementation differentiates this current process  from past efforts.

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If you did not get a chance to attend the workshop, please visit the Irondale On the Move website at to stay abreast of events and updates and take the survey to share your concerns and ideas.

The next interactive community workshop will be hosted Terry Bearden ( District 4 -City Councilor) on June 18, 2015 at 6PM at the Irondale Police Sub-Station.