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Shades Valley Places 3rd In Creative Writing Contest

Shades Valley’s Creative Writing Class placed 3rd in this year’s Books A Million (BAM) Annual Publishing Contest.  Shades Valley High School was awarded $500 in BAM gift cards and will have their book published and sold at Books A Million in Brookwood Mall.

Books-A-Million’s annual Publishing Contest offers greater Birmingham-area high school students a chance to win a publishing package from the Espresso Book Machine to get their original work in print and on the shelves at Books-A-Million. The Espresso Book Machine is a full color, self-publishing machine that gives customers the ability to print their works or any user-generated content, photo books, recipes and more in about the time it takes to make a cup of espresso.

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Congratulations and special thanks to teacher Bethany Douglas and our awesome students for this great honor !!