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We Need Your Input… To Create A Plan For Irondale’s Future !

The team at the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham has been working hard on the Irondale on the Move Comprehensive Plan. They are crafting goals, policies and recommended actions that can help the City of Irondale achieve its short- and long-term vision for the future.
It’s time for more input from all Irondale Community Stakeholders.*  As soon as you have 5 minutes, take this new survey.  This short survey asks for your priorities and opinions regarding revitalization strategies, property taxes, business taxes, and city services.

Spread the word!  We want 100% of all Irondale community stakeholders to participate. 

 * Irondale Community Stakeholders refer to any individual or group with a vested interest in the future growth of the City of Irondale. For example: members of local churches, students (parents of students) that attend schools in Irondale, employees that work in Irondale, utility providers and elected officials (local, state, federal).